BEC is committed to raising environmental awareness and expanding environmental knowledge in Hong Kong. We engage with the wider community to work towards a more sustainable society in Hong Kong.
BEC Low Carbon School – Eco-Expo – Dialogue with the SEN
BEC works with the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) to organise “Guided Tours and Dialogue with the Secretary for the Environment (SEN)” for students during Eco Expo Asia. The Tour helps raise youth awareness of environmental issues and potential innovative solutions, while the Dialogue provides an opportunity for them to share their views on Hong Kong’s sustainable future direct with the Secretary for the Environment.
For details, please email

Green Delight in Estates
BEC works with the Hong Kong Housing Authority to raise environmental awareness amongst Public Rental Housing residents and instil a culture of protecting and improving the environment.
Jockey Club Energy Saver in Schools Project
Funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, organised by the BEC, co-organised by the BEAM Society Limited and the Hong Kong Green Building Council, and supported by the Environment and Ecology Bureau, Development Bureau, and Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, the 5-year Jockey Club Energy Saver in Schools Project was launched to assist over 200 schools in energy saving and educate the younger generation on the importance of green building and environmental protection. The Project focuses on retrofitting schools’ energy-efficient equipment. In addition, a wide range of educational activities will be organised to enhance teachers’ and students’ knowledge and awareness of green building concepts, as well as to promote the importance of the health and wellbeing of school occupants. The Project will also help participating schools to be certified with BEAM Plus Existing Schools Version 2.0, a tailor-made rating tool designed for existing schools in Hong Kong to showcase their sustainability performance and acknowledge their commitment to creating a sustainable and green campus.