Environmental Focus Areas and Advisory Groups

The BEC Senior Management Team identified three environmental focus areas (“EFAs”) which are Climate Change, Circular Economy and Sustainable Living Environment. These EFAs serve as anchor points for BEC to drive business actions and maximise impact. BEC runs three Advisory Groups (one for each EFA), which act as platforms for idea dissemination and exchange. Below is information on the mission, focus areas, related projects and research under each Advisory Group.

BEC Climate Change Business Forum Advisory Group

Related Projects:


Related Research:

  • Decarbonising Commercial Freight Transport: A Greenhouse Gas Emissions Blind Spot for Companies in Hong Kong (Link)   
  • Corporate Governance for Climate Resilience: Emerging Challenges & Opportunities for Companies in Hong Kong (Link)

For the list of members under this advisory group, please visit this link.


BEC Circular Economy Advisory Group

Related Research:

  • Business Impact Assessment on a New Producer Responsibility Scheme on Retired Batteries from Electric Vehicles
  • Repair and Reuse (R&R): Exploring the feasibility of R&R business model in Hong Kong (Link)
  • Materials Recovery Facilities (MRFs): Exploring Recyclables Sorting Options in Hong Kong (Link)
  • Zero Waste Design for Buildings Project (Link)
  • Circularity Assessment of Hong Kong (Link)

For the list of members under this advisory group, please visit this link.


BEC Sustainable Living Environment Advisory Group

Related Projects:

Hong Kong Sustainable Aviation Fuel Coalition 

Launched by BEC and co-initiated with Cathay Pacific Airways, the HKSAFC will engage stakeholders in developing Hong Kong’s position as a regional and global hub for SAF; deliver forefront research on SAF feasibility and strategies in Hong Kong; scale SAF supply chain and adoption in Hong Kong with competitive costs; and promote the introduction of SAF industry-related support policies to the HKSAR Government.  

BEC Nature Programme 

Business Environment Council (“BEC”) is developing a multi-stakeholder programme to drive engagement with the Hong Kong business community on nature-related topics and shape public policy through advocacy and engagement with the HKSAR Government. 


Related Research:

  • Accelerating Hong Kong's Net-zero Transition through Digitalisation: A document collection of replicable cases (Link)
  • Building a Greener and Smarter Hong Kong (Link)
  • Smart and Sustainable City Development in Hong Kong and International Experiences (Link)
  • Improving Data Transparency in Buildings Energy Performance (Link)

For the list of members under this advisory group, please visit this link.