BEC EnviroSeries Conference Nov 2024: Safeguarding the Future of Our Climate and Ecosystems: Aligning Hong Kong's Actions with UN Biodiversity and Climate Change Conferences

Event Date
29 November 2024
Event Time
9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Cordis Hotel and Online
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Climate change and biodiversity are inherently interconnected. As the UN Convention on Biological Diversity clearly points out, continued climate change is leading to loss of species and having predominantly adverse and often irreversible impacts on many ecosystems and their services. Yet, healthy ecosystems are essential in stabilising the global carbon cycle and tackling climate change in both mitigation and adaptation aspects. Experts and scientists are calling for a more coherent approach in safeguarding the future of our climate and ecosystems.

The 16th United Nations Biodiversity Conference (“COP16”) took place in Columbia in October 2024, whereas the 29th United Nations Climate Change Conference (“COP29”) is scheduled in mid-November at Baku, Azerbaijan, one week after the closing of COP16.

Governments will be tasked during COP16 to review the progress made in implementing the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (also known as “the Biodiversity Plan”) and the alignment of their National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (“NBSAPs”) to the Biodiversity Plan. With the adoption of the Biodiversity Plan, businesses are expected with more contribution, especially through Target 15 - Businesses Assess, Disclose and Reduce Biodiversity-Related Risks and Negative Impacts. On climate change, countries are expected to review and update their nationally determined contributions (“NDCs”, i.e. national climate commitments) by 2025 before COP30 in Brazil. COP29 paves the platform for governments to negotiate agreements and solicit supports necessary for more ambitious NDCs. Major agendas include discussion on new financing targets, regulation on carbon markets, and mainstreaming adaptation.

By marrying the two COPs, this BEC EnviroSeries Conference featured the following objectives:

•    Understanding the importance of jointly protecting our climate and ecosystems;
•    Sharing latest negotiations and observations from COP16 and COP29; and
•    Aligning government and corporate ambitions in Hong Kong on the climate and nature agendas


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