BEC 零碳約章
我們在 2019 年 3 月制定約章,推動企業為香港長遠減碳展現集體決心。BEC 低碳約章是香港首個為回應《巴黎協定》而制定的約章,簽署公司須制定減碳目標及相關的全面行動計劃。BEC 低碳約章於2023年4月起更新為零碳約章。

Hong Kong Sustainable Aviation Fuel Coalition (English Only)
Launched by BEC in January 2024, the Hong Kong Sustainable Aviation Fuel Coalition (HKSAFC) is a sectoral initiative in responding to the latest policy and industry direction in promoting sustainable fuels.
Joined by all relevant stakeholders across the value chain, including fuel suppliers, airlines and decarbonisation professionals, the coalition will collaboratively promote the introduction of SAF industry-related support policies and accelerate the deployment of SAF in Hong Kong, ensuring both its availability and affordability with all relevant stakeholders. The coalition seeks to explore the possibility of developing Hong Kong into an international hub for SAF and strengthen Hong Kong’s thought leadership amid the global transition to a low-carbon and sustainable economy.