[Webinar] Countryside Conservation - Why it Matters? What is Happening?

Event Date
27 Jul 2021
Event Time
4:00 pm - 5:15 pm
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In her first Policy Address delivered in 2017, Chief Executive Mrs Carrie Lam announced the establishment of the Countryside Conservation Office ("CCO") to coordinate conservation projects that promote sustainable development of remote countryside. The CCO would set up a funding scheme providing subsidy to non-profit organisations ("NPO") to carry out conservation projects and would coordinate minor improvement works in those areas. Lai Chi Wo ("荔枝窩") and Sha Lo Tung ("沙羅洞") have been selected as the priority areas for these efforts. We start to see the rich ecological, architectural and cultural resources being conserved and revitalised, and the potential for promoting eco-tourism and green jobs. It is a good example of how urban-rural symbiosis can be achieved in harmony with the efforts of all relevant stakeholders (Government - Community - Villagers). Join our speakers for a dialogue on nature conservation policy in Hong Kong and why it matters to all, including the business sector.


Prof Stephen Tang, BBS
Head – Countryside Conservation Office, Environmental Protection Department

Prof Stephen Tang, BBS, is the Head of the Countryside Conservation Office which was established under the Policy Address 2017.

Prof Tang is the former Deputy Director of Architectural Services Department and has 40 years of experience in architecture, urban planning and design.

As the Chairman of Prince of Wales Hospital Capital Works Subcommittee, he is now overseeing the redevelopment of the hospital towards wellness design. Two years ago, Professor Tang delivered a presentation on WELLNESS design to BEC, highlighting design tips for the health of both men and planet.
He has been Adjunct Professor at the University of Hong Kong on MSc(Urban Planning) for over 10 years.  and was the President of Hong Kong Institute of Urban Design (2016 – 2018), promoting Wellness and active ageing through urban design.


Mr Mike Kilburn
Independent Sustainability Advisor

Mr Mike Kilburn has spent over 25 years working on environmental and sustainability issues in Hong Kong.  Most recently he spent eight years as head of sustainability for Airport Authority Hong Kong (“AAHK”). During this time he served as Chair of the regional and global environmental committees of Airport Council International, Chair of the Hong Kong General Chamber’s Environment and Sustainability Committee, a Director of BEC, and an active member of the Climate Change Business Forum, and Transport and Logistics and Sustainability Committees. Mike has a lifelong passion for the natural environment and has been actively involved in biodiversity conservation in Hong Kong since the mid-90s. As Vice Chairman of Hong Kong Bird Watching Society he oversees the advocacy work of the Society and is currently completing a ten-year review of Hong Kong’s performance in biodiversity conservation against its responsibilities under the Convention on Biological Diversity.  He is also a founding Director of the Hong Kong Countryside Foundation, and was a member of the HKSAR Government’s Biodiversity Strategy & Action Plan Steering Committee. Prior to joining AAHK in 2012, he was Head of Environmental Strategy for public policy think tank Civic Exchange, in which role he developed and implemented groundbreaking research and solutions to some of Hong Kong key environmental challenges around air pollution, urban livability and biodiversity conservation.


Mr Simon Ng
Director Policy & Research, Business Environment Council

Mr Simon Ng is Director – Policy & Research of Business Environment Council. He is responsible for BEC’s work on policy advocacy, thought leadership development, and collaborative research on various environmental issues that BEC focuses on. Trained as a geographer, Mr Ng is known for his ground-breaking work on ship emissions inventory in Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta in which his collaboration with the shipping industry led to the launch of the Fair Winds Charter. He is also well regarded for his research and engagement work on walkability. Mr Ng has over 20 years of experience in academic/policy research, project management and stakeholder's engagement. Before joining BEC, he was Chief Research Officer of a leading independent public policy think tank and was a visiting scholar of a top university in Hong Kong. Mr Ng is also a member of many professional bodies of transport & logistics and environmental management. Internationally, Mr Ng is an Expert Member of the UNCRD Regional Environmentally Sustainable Transport Forum in Asia since 2006.